A Definite Guide to Common Mistakes Related LED Lighting


While searching for the best lighting solutions, LED is often the preferred choice. It is worth noting that this kind of fixture offers numerous benefits such as high lumen output, improved efficiency, longer lifespan as well as better quality of light output. The best thing is that the LEDs operate on low voltages that make them perfect for outdoor lighting such as LED sports lighting, parking lighting, walkway lighting, etc.  

Common LED Lighting Mistakes

LEDs are the technological advancement in the lighting industry. In comparison to other illumination methods, LEDs are the smartest as well as power-saving solutions. However, just like other solutions, there is a margin of error in this option as well. When it comes to mistakes related to LED lighting, here are the common problems you need to know:

1. Installing LEDs in the Wrong Fixture

One of the key mistakes people make with LED lighting is installing the LED lamp in any fixture that too without updating. Undoubtedly, LED lamps are compatible with different kinds of fixtures, there are numerous steps you need to follow to make a retrofit solution compatible with LED lamps.


You would find a certain option termed as ‘plug and play’ that means you could install the LEDs without fear. However, in case you have a fluorescent fixture and attempt to plug in an LED lamp, you would face the problem. The fixture might not light or end up burning out the bulb because of incorrect wiring scenarios. In case you are planning to switch to LED lamps, consider hiring one of the reputed LED lighting retrofit companies for upgrading the fixtures. 

2. Overlooking Broad Spectrum

Ignoring the broad spectrum is another key mistake related to LED lighting. In the lighting industry, this topic is not considered as crucial as other aspects like CRI or lumen output. However, it is significant to take the advantage of the broad spectrum with LED solutions. It provides a better quality of illumination that could be beneficial in different settings like businesses and offices as it helps with mood elevation as well as productivity. 

3. Going Too Powerful

LEDs are considered as the powerful solution; however, sometimes people go overboard in such areas. There are numerous ways to do so like selecting the higher lumen output and causing distracting glares, selecting too much lumen output, or selecting the coolest temperature and everything appears washed out. It is crucial to select the thing that works best for your space, no matter whether it is for office, parking, or warehouse light fixture. And, avoid thinking that more is always better. 

Apart from these, another common mistake is considering the LED as the only light source. Many times, people install LEDs and then overlook the different sources of natural light available in their space. LEDs are known to mimic natural light; however, this does not mean you would cut other sources of natural light. By including the natural light source in your plan, you could cut down the utility cost as well as reduce the need for artificial light and the required lumen output level.


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